The newest Object Exporter tool ExportXML.class does have a setting called "Strip environment-specific metadata" which removes the transient values of:
from the XML it generates for TaskDefinition objects. For many of us dealing with Tasks, there are some settings that we would like to manage in the UI and not be overwritten by a deployment. I suggest that the following changes to the TaskDefinition XML files can help with Task Management.
The following settings may or may not be in this class of "preserve with deploy"
- resultAction (shown as Previous Result Action)
- (shown as Host)
- taskCompletionEmailNotify (shown as Email Notification as a dropdown)
- taskCompletionEmailRecipients (dropdown shown when above is set)
- taskCompletionEmailTemplate (shown when above is set)
- optional - Owner (not shown - defined on creation and only edited in debug
Take a current export - using the Export Tool or use my KCSExportXML tool (available soon)
Make the following edits:
On the DOCTYPE tag (line 2) change TaskDefinition to sailpoint
Add 2 lines between the DOCTYPE tag and the TaskDefinition tag:
<ImportAction name="merge">
Then indent everything below that down 4 spaces for proper XML indented format
Then at the end add:
Finally, delete the XML attributes or elements you do not want overwritten on a deployment, my list is above but yours may be different. You might include lists on sequential tasks, or on tasks with lists of Applications, etc.
Message me for help.