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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Installing Java JDK - example latest JDK7 version.

Just some notes on installing JDKs

Download the JDKs from Oracle Support:
Search on document 1439822.1 and find the version you wish to install.
Do not use the MSI Installers.  Be sure to download the version for your architecture.

For Windows versions you will download a zip file
For example for JDK 1.7.0_111 the windows file is:
For Linux versions you will also download a zip file
For example for JDK 1.7.0_111 the Linux file is:

For both windows or linux installs, start on your PC and unzip the zip file to a folder - usually the same as the filename (if you are using 7-Zip).  You will find inside objects for JDK and objects for JRE.

For windows JDK1.7.0_111 you will see the following:

I always use the JDK version.  When I install on Windows I always install onto the C:\Java folder so I will get C:\Java\jdk1.7.0_111 folder as my JAVA_HOME.  I don't ever install the public JRE.  To download the browser JRE always go to and do it from there.

For Linux, the folder expands to:

Some versions are .gz and not .tar.gz.  For all versions use the .tar.gz install, I always use the JDK version:

Change directory to the place where you want to create JAVA_HOME and use:
$ tar xvzf jdk-7u111-linux-x64.tar.gz
The folder will be created with all of the associated assets

To install the JCE Unlimited Strength download them from the oracle site (search on JCE 1.7) and download to your box.  The file name is

Then cd to $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security and type

$ unzip -j <path-to-your-file>/

That should do it.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Important Lookups that you might need to customize

Some important lookups you might need to customize


This is a 1-D Lookup meaning that each Code Key normally has a matching Decode value
The OOTB values are: Company, Branch, Department.  If you need to add an organization type, such as Application, Division, etc., add it here on both sides.  It will now be available as an Organization Type.


This is a 2-D Lookup meaning that the Code Key is stored in the database but the Decode value shows up in the UI Elements.  OOTB this lookup contains:
Full-Time = Full-Time Employee
Part-Time = Part-Time Employee
Temp = Temp
Intern = Intern
Consultant = Consultant
Contractor = Contractor

I believe this is correct but not 100% sure.  Add elements as you need.