A modify user sandbox will not have the valueChangeListener set properly for those new fields that were added, and so those need to be added. Here is what to do:
Make a copy of the sandbox.
Using 7-Zip, perform an Extract to: the folder name.
Nav into the folder notice the folders mdssys, oracle, pageDefs, and templates.
Find the file oracle\iam\ui\runtime\form\view\pages\mdssys\cust\site\site\userModifyForm.jsff.xml
Edit this with notepad++
Look for fields that are missing this:
Review each UI component and verify it has a value of
You will find that the checkboxes are missing this. It goes after value= tag. Some inputText fields may also be missing this.
look for <af:inputText
look for <af:selectBooleanCheckbox
look for <af:selectOneChoice
look for <af:inputDate also make sure they all have that tag.
When done do the following:
in the folder with the 4 folders mentioned above in it, select them all and do a right click send to compressed archive. The archive will be called templates.zip just rename it and then use that sandbox for the procedure.
Go into the identity page and import the new file. Activate the file and then verify functionality before publishing it. Be sure to sign out and close all windows and tabs of the browser.